Treasures of Prahran offers Instant Cash Loans against your goods of value with on the spot approval and payout for suitable items; no credit checks, no waiting, no worries!
Low interest! From only 10%!
Whether it’s for unexpected expenses or bills, holiday spending money, or you are just in a bit of a tight spot waiting for next pay day, we offer loans of all sizes, for all purposes from $5 to $50,000! Whatever the reason, whatever the amount, we can provide you with a loan for any amount of cash, on the spot (subject to suitable security)!
We specialise in cash loans against new, used and scrap gold, diamonds and jewellery but also accept as pawn, current model mobile phones, ipods, laptop, digital cameras and other electronics and goods of value.
Loans are created as a 1 month contract (with a minimum of 7 days before the loan can be redeemed) however can be extended on a month to month basis as required.
Interest is charged per calendar month or part thereof, so whether you borrow for 2, 3 or 4 weeks, it is a flat rate charge.
At the end of the loan term (or earlier) your options are:
To redeem your goods by repaying the initial loan amount borrowed plus all accrued interest.
To renew the loan by paying the previous month’s interest charge which will extend the loan for another calendar month.
If you are unable to do either of the above, contact us as soon as possible, and we can try to come to a workable arrangement to help you maintain your credit history with us an prevent your loan being forfeited.
If you do nothing and do not contact us, we will hold the goods for a period of grace, after which we will forfeit your loan and sell the goods to redeem the funds owed.
See How It Works? and FAQ for more info or Contact Us if you have any questions.
Looking to sell gold or jewellery? See Sell Your Gold for more info
Have any unwanted gifts or goods of value lying around unused? Try Sell Your Goods today.